Might make SBS readonly: thread

actorbug program keys (compression, regex, LEX, etc.)

Root / FAQs / [.]

Because of the title changing, here’s what I was looking for:actorbug’s compression system I can’t find it. Of all the places google can access, the only trace of it on the whole internet i can find is AnswerXOX’s comment on his compression system where he said that everyone should use actorbug’s thing instead The only problem:as I said earlier that is the only trace of it on the whole internet. So can someone help me out?

Here's a list of actorbug's programs found on the Japanese wiki: プログラムをQRコードに変換 (QR Generator) - Q3A5K3A3 ファイルをまとめて圧縮 (File Packer+Compression) - 74N3F3D4 正規表現ライブラリ (Regular Expression Library) - 2E3E43GJ diff - 433JPXB3 ソースコードチェッカー (Source Code Checker) - 4K45X3R3 LEX - 2E3E43GJ
That’s more than I asked for but ok

That's because people have asked for this many times and your thread gets to become a resource for others.

That's because people have asked for this many times and your thread gets to become a resource for others.

That's because people have asked for this many times and your thread gets to become a resource for others.
I know right?

That's because people have asked for this many times and your thread gets to become a resource for others.
I know right?
uhhh you just necroposted. why did you do that?