Account migration (your email needs to be up to date)
Root / Site Discussion / [.]
Hello, we are going to be migrating the data here to a new server and website that I can maintain. You will all keep your accounts and all the programs/forum posts/comments/images/etc will remain too, and the general layout will not be significantly overhauled.
HOWEVER, when we migrate, I have to reset all the passwords. We use a salted hash for every password, which means I cannot pull your actual password out. The algorithm used to generate these hashes is no longer in use in modern applications, and I really don't want to import an old library or write my own due to security concerns.
So, when we migrate (not now), everyone's login will throw a "password expired" error, and give you a recovery link in your email linked to this account. If you no longer have access to that email anymore, now is the time to send me an email at from your current address, telling me your old email address and username, and I will update your email in the system before we migrate. If you see this message after migration and find you don't have access to the email associated with your account, still do the same thing and I can update your account then, don't worry.
Do not post your email in this thread..
TL;DR: we need to use your email to reset your password when we migrate, so your email needs to be current. We are migrating in the future, but best to get your email settled now.