To clarify
The bag array I want to fill with usable items that when used will disappear or if its equipment stay there.
The compendium I want to have question Mark's until you discover it.
And the music player I want to also be question Mark's until you unlock the music. (The tracks will be represented by CD sprites)
2D array inventory help.
I've been terrible with arrays sense the beginning, If anyone would help I would greatly appreciate it.
My problem is I want to have a bag system but I want all the things you have not collected yet to appear as questionmarks, I also want each item to have a description.
There will be 3 seperate inventories.
The items, Compendium, and Music.
I know now how to set up the array
Dim bag[8,16]
I do not the fundamentals of how to make items appear inside the arrays.
Thank you... sorry if I said anything wrong.
This can be a bit complex and lengthy. Here is what I’ve done in similar circumstances.
For items (consumed or not consumed), I have a 1D array because it is easier to remove items after use. However, this means 1 item = 1 inventory slot and no item stacking, such as “potion x 4” etc. Each item is a user defined function that is called when the item is selected.
For the music and compendium, you could create a 2D string array where first piece is the title and the second contains a description. This would be the lookup information. Then, when displaying the info, obscure the title and/or description.
The code will obviously need some tweaking but I hope it gives you an idea of how to go about your situation. Good luck
Example code
LOOP VAR ITEM$=pickitem() CALL ITEM$ ENDLOOP DEF pickitem() 'Code for navigation/confirm selection RETURN 'x item END DEF 'x item 'Whatever the item does 'remove item END
Example code
DIM LOOKUPREF$[2,2] COPY LOOKUPREF$,”@INFO” @INFO DATA “Pyrodance”,”A fiery, upbeat song” DATA “Hodgepodge”, “a monster made from other monster parts” DisplayTitle LOOP pickoption ENDLOOP DEF DisplayTitle VAR I,TITLE$=“???” FOR I=0 TO 1'length of lookupref IF UNLOCKED[I]==1 THEN TITLE$=LOOKUPREF$[I,0]'where title is stored 'you will need to track what is unlocked vs not, I used an array for that here LOCATE 0,0+I:?TITLE$ NEXT END DEF pickoption 'in navigation code, each time you move, call “Lookup x” where x is selected item END DEF Lookup n$ VAR I FOR I=0 TO 1'len of lookup IF LOOKUPREF$[I,0]==n$ THEN BREAK NEXT LOCATE 0,27:?LOOKUPREF$[I,1]' where info is stored END
Thank you! It put me on the right path. I'm getting closer to understanding arrays...
Anyways again thank you!
The only thing I have to really figure out now is how to save a randomly generated map into a save file.
I'm using to for statements and Rnd to generate changes in grass patches but I dont really know how to save that into a string for a file... if I even use strings for that. Ffs lol
No problem, I am happy to help. Saving a randomly generated map could be tricky. But you are on the right track I think. I would recommend storing the map height and width to global variables and do something like this:
Again, I’m not 100% confident the above code will work for your situation, so you have to modify it some.
To distinguish the tile your character is standing on, the CHKCHR function is handy. It takes layer, x, y and either sprite or map coordinates (set to 1 for sprite coordinates) as arguments. Include that function in either your main loop or movement function. It will return the tile number.
VAR H,W' stores map height and width DEF SAVEMAP DIM SAVEARRAY[4,H,W] VAR I,J,L FOR L=0 TO 3' store layers 0-3 FOR I=0 TO H-1' assuming 0 is minimum point of map FOR J=0 TO W-1 SAVEARRAY[L,H,W]=CHKCHR(L,H,W) NEXT NEXT NEXT 'use save function to save the array END DEF LOADMAP DIM LOADARRAY[4,H,W]'load map into this array VAR I,J,L FOR L=0 TO 3 FOR I=0 TO H-1 FOR J=0 TO W-1 TPUT L,J,H,LOADARRAY[L,I,J] NEXT NEXT NEXT END