
Flight-less Offical thread

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My contest entry will be a game called "Flight-less" it's series of short stories where two birds argue over different opinions on things...It's not political though, it's comedic, and the conversation topics are still pending for the most part, though a few of them will be about flight, TV shows, games, etc. This thread will be where I ask questions to people about what they want in the game, and updates on the game's progress. If you have any questions, just ask!

To start things off, does anyone have any good ideas for a selecting feature? I want the player to be able to choose between Fred and Dave (The birds) on which bird's opinion you agree with, so I thought about two arrows pointing at both of them that you can select by using the D-pad, and I also thought about two square buttons on the bottom screen that you could select using the D-pad.

There's another screenshot.

I like the idea of this game. It sounds cute having two birds argue haha. I think a good idea is to have two buttons on the touch screen and you can click which one you agree with. :)

so making buttons on the touch screen is easy and making apointer that moves with the dpad is easy too. so are you saying you don't know how to? if so then I can show you

After some serious changes to plans, and consulting with the rest of them team at GoodGameGod, we decided to continue working on this project due to popular demand. We are sorry for the week-or-so break from it, we had a lot to go over for this extremely large project. The no bullshit version:
SpoilerWe here at GoodGameGod, is just one person, me. Why did I stop working on it for a week? I wanted to homebrew my n3DS, but that wasn't really important, or the main reason for such a long break, you see, I got bored, and lazy, but mostly lazy, so I took a week to chat with people on online chat rooms (Sound familiar?) and to watch youtube, lots and lots of youtube, and some video games. I'm not sorry, because it's my game, and this is in fact an incredibly small project, so far about 200 lines of code just to give you some kind of an idea. In short: Shit happens, like me getting bored.
SpoilerThis is a joke, I have actually been working on other things like homebrew, recording 3DS audio, and I also have a life, so that too.

On a less joking note, I'm sure the game will be finished in time for the contest due-date, I don't know how many stories I'll be able to cram into the game before the deadline, but my guess is somewhere between 5 and 10 4 or 5. But most of the stories will have 2 paths based on which bird you picked in the game, so it will feel more like double that. (Hopefully) If anyone who cares wants me to throw in a reference or shout-out to their contest entry in the game (My game), then please let me know by private message, I'd be more then willing to include it! (It has to be by PM so that nobody else knows about it, it's cooler this way trust me) *I will add the disclaimer that it has to be a contest entry* I already plan on referencing a few
SpoilerYeah, nobody cares lol

I made some progress these past 2 days, 1 of 5 stories has been finished, that may not sound like much, but I've essentially finished the core mechanics, and have it set up where all I need to do for a conversation is add certain lines...So something like:
WTK is short for "white talking" so what that does is change the icon in the little box to the left in the picture, and it changes the sound (BEEP) that's played when the text is being placed on the screen, making both birds have two different sounding voices. SPF This stops the animation of the tiny triangle that flashes when you can press A to continue. (GO also starts the animation if the triangle) ANGERW This is the facial expression the bird makes, the letter at the end is a W for the white bird, and a B for the blue one. A sound effect plays as well, so when one is mad, a whip sound, when one is happy, a bell, and so forth. TEXT & GO Text makes one letter at a time appear on the screen, making it seem like they're talking, and GO makes the player have to press A to view the next line of text, it also makes it so that all the text appears on screen before you can press A. I didn't plan on explaining that in detail but hey, this is a thread for this game so I might as well just throw this bit in.

SpoilerSome of the things that I won't be able to include, (before the contest is due) but that I should be able to in future updates is: + A custom font (Because the SB default one is annoying to me) + More stories, 5 to 10 more, depending on how things turn out + A bit more of a polish to it overall + [Insert here whatever else I can think of, or what someone suggests] Things that I'm 90% sure will make it into the game: + At least 5 4 original comedic stories (More depending on how much I get done before the deadline) + 100% Original sprites made straight from our farms, harvested with love and care, and GMO free... + Some dick jokes family friendly humor + Old 3DS support + [Insert whatever else would make the game better, and sound cooler]

(I know I'm posting a lot, sorry) It would be awesome if I can release an early version so that people can give me some feedback, hopefully I'll be able to do so. But it doesn't matter because who would care?

UPDATE that literally nobody cares about I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to finish it by the contest due-date, since I have a lot of work at home to do, as well as a few upcoming events on May 27th, May 28th and May 30th. But for those few people who care, I'll upload what I have so far by May 30th, Between 5:00am & 6:00am EST. For those who might think I'd enter in an unfinished game, it will not be like that, it will simply have fewer stories then I had intended. So let me know what you think I should do.

Hiya! I'm looking for some feedback on what I can improve, the game isn't finished mind you, so just let me know what I should add/fix/change! Thank you! I changed the "FLIGHT" sprite so that it was a bit more visible upon request KEY: NDFDJ3K3 EDIT: Don't be surprised if there are some grammar mistakes, It's a rough build, so I didn't have much time to correct typos, this is just for feedback only. *I'm not entering my unfinished game into the contest, I'll keep working on it until the 31st, then I'll post it before the deadline*


hahahahahahahaha first 2 mins and I already love it lol

oh so btw on the title screen it took me really long to figure out that you could press up/down to change the stuff, so maybe add on the bottom screen saying to use the dpad to choose. oh and when his head gets bigger you should make the texts z go more so you can see what hes saying too, but if the covered text was on purpose then that's fine too lol.

oh so btw on the title screen it took me really long to figure out that you could press up/down to change the stuff, so maybe add on the bottom screen saying to use the dpad to choose. oh and when his head gets bigger you should make the texts z go more so you can see what hes saying too, but if the covered text was on purpose then that's fine too lol.
Thanks for the feedback! Perhaps I'll add some arrows or something at the bottom of it...Technically you weren't suppose to see what he was saying, but perhaps I'll change that because I can see how some people might find that annoying.

Wow! I had no idea I would win anything! What an awesome surprise!
SpoilerI think I'll make some more stories with more clever and witty humor, and get rid of the "Nuts" story. Anyways, thank you!

nooo don't get rid of nuts!!!

nooo don't get rid of nuts!!!
Relax, I might still keep it, but it doesn't match the rest of the humor so it might just be hidden from the menu...And if nothing else, anyone who has already downloaded the game has that story, and has already read it lol.