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Pokemon BGM

Root / Programming Questions / [.]

Can somebody tell me how to make my own Pokemon BGM or at least upload Pokemon BGM such as... -Title Screen -???? City -Battle -Victory To upload a Pokemon BGM File: Compress it into
Then Rename the file to
This may bypass project rejection. Upload it & Publish it Please help me cause I never had the chance to buy the original Petit Computer so I wanna make something similar... Also I lost my old copy of Pokemon Black Version and GAMESTOP Closed where I live. (Puerto Rico) Make my wish come true... I'll be eternally gratefull...

Can somebody tell me how to make my own Pokemon BGM or at least upload Pokemon BGM such as... -Title Screen -???? City -Battle -Victory To upload a Pokemon BGM File: Compress it into
Then Rename the file to
This may bypass project rejection. Upload it & Publish it Please help me cause I never had the chance to buy the original Petit Computer so I wanna make something similar... Also I lost my old copy of Pokemon Black Version and GAMESTOP Closed where I live. (Puerto Rico) Make my wish come true... I'll be eternally gratefull...
Sorry, but this would be copyright infringement, and I'm sure people here aren't going to do such a thing since it'd end up being a waste of time. Again, sorry.

Music in SmileBASIC works on a system called MML (Music Macro Language) I recommend you read about how to use it before trying anything. It's roughly like a MIDI, but without any of the fancy tools on PC to make them. I haven't actually done much with music in SmileBASIC, but it's to my understanding that it's possible to import custom instruments for usage within MML. The biggest problem is actually getting the instruments onto SmileBASIC. Sorry, I don't really know much on the subject. You'll have to ask someone else how to do that. Litterbox: http://smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=375 It's one of the best built MML editors around. And where do you get the music? Since every Pokemon game up until gen 5 didn't use streamed music, you can easily find things like music sheets and soundfonts online.


I have a generic midi to mml converter. it's a tool. It isn't perfect yet. It isn't officially released. I was inspired to make it by SparkGaming. Check here for video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI1v3_RDhEI and. The KEY for the full version is :
Please be nice to it. It's not done yet but it does 3 things, -It imports midis (from dat files) -It plays midi files you imported (if you want) -It converts the currently loaded midi file to mml and lets you save it as a seperate prg. To test the midi file stop the program after conversion and type
To put midis on it: Step 1 Use a tool called BIN TO DAT which I created. Download is here: http://www.filedropper.com/bintodat10final Bin to DAT will convert ANY pc binary file to a dat file that SmileBasic itself can recognize. Step 2Use Petit Modem or SmileBasic File Manager to get the files onto SmileBasic Step 3Run Midi, the PRG file in the provided key above. Select option "Load Midi File", then select the dat file you imported (using whichever method you chose) Step 4Select "I want to save the loaded midi as mml" Step 5Follow the on-screen prompts. Step 6Test the mml by going to direct mode and typing
Step 7To save the mml manually after following all above steps type in direct mode
'YOURFILE should be replaced with what you want to name the mml prg.
where YOUR FILE in the code is the file name you want to call it. Step 8Load the prg with the mml or go to slot 1 and copy all the mml data. Paste it into your other program somewhere and rename @mml to something you want to call it. Copy BGMSETD 128, @mml as well as the line BGMPLAY 128 to somewhere else and rename @mml on the line that says BGMSETD 128, @Mml to the same thing you called @MML Step 9 Enjoy

Thanks You guys so much! I'm so happy! Yay Happy FEbruary! (Fire Emblem)