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I'm not sure how well known this is, but if you go to a page that doesn't exist, For example: http://www.smilebasicsource.com/example you can type stuff. It's actually a (very) limited SmileBASIC interpreter. (the only commands are PRINT, ?, RUN, CLS, and ACLS) Anyway, there's a bug where if you do something like: ?"TEST (no closing quotation mark) it prints TES It seems like instead of just removing the quotation mark it only takes off the last character.

lol pretty interesting find

it seems that the print command works by looking for the first quotation mark, and then just printing everything after the first quotation minus 1 character. as seen from the command: print "lolol" kek. the output is lolol" kek EDIT: more wonky behaviour i found: •doing just print " will result in " •putting more than 1 space between the print command and the quotation mark, it will print 0. for example: print "lol" will return 0 EDIT 2:
it pretends is a variable, and outputs 0.
oh i see. now it kinda makes sence with commands like print crap but not as much with print "lol". but i see what you did there

printing everything after the first quotation minus 1 character

(the only commands are PRINT, ?, RUN, CLS, and ACLS)
Maybe you didn't count them because they aren't actual Smilebasic things, but there are technically two more. One is HELP. As for the actual bug, uhh... It was just a quick little thing, obviously. Yes, I did cut corners and just take off a character. If I actually looked for a closing (or eol), then I'd have to decide what to do with stuff outside them and blehhh. Anyway, I didn't plan on fixing it, but if people actually care, maybe I'll do it sometime. Edit: To be specific, it looks only for a print alias followed by either a double quote or a space and double quote, then echoes until the end of line minus one character. Anything else following PRINT/?, it pretends is a variable, and outputs 0.

Lumage, what's a Grue?

MEEMOOS prints out 14522. Guess Lumage didn't mention it because it's uninteresting.
Lumage, what's a Grue?
According to Wikipedia, "A grue is a term for a fictional predatory monster that dwells in the dark. The word was first used as a fictional predator in Jack Vance's Dying Earth universe (described as being part "ocular bat", part "unusual hoon", and part man)."

According to Wikipedia, "A grue is a term for a fictional predatory monster that dwells in the dark. The word was first used as a fictional predator in Jack Vance's Dying Earth universe (described as being part "ocular bat", part "unusual hoon", and part man)."

printing everything after the first quotation minus 1 character
I didn't mention it, but this is "fixed" now. As in, you can now leave off end-quotes. NOT as in "parses strings the way smilebasic does"

Sadly the 3DS doesn't support this...