
Contest: October 2019

Root / General / [.]

So uh imma be making an SBS RPG. I shall soon send out a group pm to everyone I plan on adding to the demo. The demo, which will be submitted in the contest is a side story and I do not plan on including it as a chapter in the final game. Current schedule: SBS RPG demo > unrelated RPG demo > unrelated RPG > SBS RPG > SB4 ports of both mentioned RPGs > Finally work on Ralsei's Alchemy again
Well that's a lot of RPGs. Hopefully you put an equal amount of heart and soul into all of them, so there all good games. Have fun!
Sorry but I doubt it
I have started making mysterious music for my submittion. Thus far, I have a title muusic and a main muusic for the game.

There, this way!

Nah I'm just spelling it how it's pronounced. I don't really like th "e" in music. I have a post on some other thread that has the actual letter (international I think) EDIT: instead of ˈmyo͞ozik it would be ˈmo͞ozik the way I like to say it.

Nah I'm just spelling it how it's pronounced. I don't really like th "e" in music. I have a post on some other thread that has the actual letter (international I think) EDIT: instead of ˈmyo͞ozik it would be ˈmo͞ozik the way I like to say it.
Since when did music have an "e" in it?

It's always been there, right next to the d.

It's always been there, right next to the d.
Since when was there a "d" in music?

Are you having treble understanding sheet music?

Are you having treble understanding sheet music?
hahahaha Nah I'm fine
SpoilerOnly people who really understand music would get that one.
anyway this is a contest thread, not a music pun thread.

We only have 19 days left! Keep working!

We only have 19 days left! Keep working!
all i've done for my platformer is make a program containing only acls and record a voice clip to be used when collecting a power star do you want me to start actually working?

The only thing I have is a textbox and a menu. Do you want me to make actually a game?

The only thing I've done is make a textured raycaster with flickering and weird noise. Do you want me to actually complete my entry?

You should probably finish your entries

Lol I still need to code the first level. I did a menu with credits, help, and an exit button that all work, but as I was saying the first level still needs to be made. It is much easier than I thought, actually. Although I think it can be improved, but not by me considering my lack of knowledge. I mean I only understand goto loops, so...

i also don't get why i'm so off task. i just spent an entire hour making this:

Every time I try to sit down and make a large project, I either give up quickly or work slowly.

I'm stuck on what mechanics use/what kind of game make/how to not be stupid/uwu

Come on, guys, let's get creative!