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Save Files

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I'm Trying To Get save file For Game But Don't Know what to everything seems so confusing

Do you have gm9 installed? I might be able to help if you do. Or do you mean something else?
what do you mean gm9

No, no no Probably, at least You can make an array of a fixed length, like 20, and then save that with SAVE “DAT:FILENAME”,ARRAY And loading it: First, define the array with the exact same size with DIM, then try something like LOAD “DAT:FILENAME”,ARRAY,0 Alternatively, you could look into saving strings into TXT filetypes, but you’ll need to learn another variant of the SAVE/LOAD procedures. Try typing in a valid keyword, such as SAVE or LOAD, then pressing the Help button while the cursor is over said keyword.
Where it is It’s the blue ? button in the upper-left hand corner of the touchscreen.

I'm Trying To Get save file For Game But Don't Know what to everything seems so confusing
What do you mean exactly? Are you trying to download other people's games? Or write code to load files?