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Mining idea

Root / Programming Questions / [.]

this is an idea I had for a mining system in my game, please tell me what you like/dislike I would like to have it either made of sprites or bg tiles, randomly placed around in the area, different minerals depending on location (island), so to generate it, it would go through what island its on and the set native materials in the ground then use the set ones and randomly place the ones that are in the list basically, until the map is full, then somehow save the spawn on an array to keep it from changing when going back and forth. things I would like to see in it: 1st version: -breakable blocks (cubes) -different pickaxes for mining different stuff (I already made (some) of the sprites btw) -blocks that only break with certain pickaxes -caves! (maybe, just an idea) -map (would be really easy) -basic collision that when block is broken will let you pass -maybe if I wanted to, to have pickaxes break after a certain amount of use *for later cooler updates* -enemy's in caves -weapons -hidden treasure -bones -stuff anyways just an idea I had

Vedy nas, vedy nas.