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SBSChat+ Installation and forum

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

SBSChat+ is an extension for smilebasicsource.com/chat that creates sounds effects that are very convinient. There are also other features and many more to come. To get the initial code, expand this. take the following code to http://smilebasicsource.com/editChatJS and input it at the BEGINNING. Then save, and reload the chat and you have a fully installed plugin!
var pingname="";
var pingchat="";
var sounds=true;
var name=document.querySelector("[data-username]").dataset.username;
var odm = displayMessage;
var b=new Audio("http://urlsh.x10.mx/resources/click.mp3");
var jingle=readStorage("jingle");
var current_user_pinging="";
var version=1;
  var d= new Audio(jingle);
var st=readStorage("Sound");
var a=new Audio(st);
setTimeout(function(){systemMessage("To view SBSChat+ commands, type /cmds.");},100);

//setTimeout(function(){sendMessage("/me is using SBSChat+! You can ping them using @"+name+".");},1000);

commands.push(new Command("notifsound", function(param)
a=new Audio(param);

commands.push(new Command("setjingle", function(sss)


commands.push(new Command("cmds", function(){
systemMessage("Commands:\n/togglesounds - Toggle pings on/off\n/notifsound - Changes Ping sound for @user (10 second cut limit)\n/setjingle - Sets a jingle to be played upon entry. Set to 'none' to play nothing.");


commands.push(new Command("togglesounds", function() {
if (sounds===true) {sounds=false; systemMessage("Alerts off.");}else{sounds=true;systemMessage("Alerts on."); }

displayMessage = function(d){
   if (d.type=="message"){

if (sounds===true){
if  (current_user_pinging!=d.username){

if (d.message.indexOf("@"+name)!=-1) {

if (sounds===true){
if (d.username==name) {
if (pingname!=="")
systemMessage(pingname+": "+pingchat);
   return odm(d);

   //Replace "/query/chatJS" with your URL
   genericXHRSimple("http://urlsh.x10.mx/resources/SBSChatPlusUpdate.php", function(output)
      if (output=="UPDATE"+(version+1)){warningMessage("A new update to SBSChat+ is available! Go to http://urlsh.x10.mx/resources/SBSChatPlus to update!");}

If there is ever an update available for SBSChat+, a notification will appear on entry linking to a page that gives you the new version's code. Current Version 1.0 Initial release file mirror: http://urlsh.x10.mx/resources/SBSChatPlus (Always shows current version) (Lumage, please don't erase this. It's the only thread I'll make for it.)

Huh, what browsers supports this extension[finally, correct grammer :)]

Could you please provide a non-obfuscated version of this code? For all I can tell it could be stealing my session cookies and sending them straight to you, letting you steal my account.

How did you manage to ignore me and make it worse than before. I don't want these threads here. They only apply to people who actually use chat. Running random scripts is not safe. If anything else pops up I'm deleting all of them.

Could you please provide a non-obfuscated version of this code? For all I can tell it could be stealing my session cookies and sending them straight to you, letting you steal my account.
I'll release a decompiler version first chance I get. But I can give you a 100% guarantee this version is safe.
How did you manage to ignore me and make it worse than before. I don't want these threads here. They only apply to people who actually use chat. Running random scripts is not safe. If anything else pops up I'm deleting all of them.
I test these scripts at least 5 times before release. It's safe.

Huh, what browsers supports this extension[finally, correct grammer :)]
For all I know, any browser that can run the END Chat can use this extension. But for now the extension is mainly an audio upgrade so I doubt any muted browsers would make unnoticeable change.

I test these scripts at least 5 times before release. It's safe.
running random scripts you find is not safe

I test these scripts at least 5 times before release. It's safe.
running random scripts you find is not safe
Would a decompiled version help?