Might make SBS readonly: thread

Sketch Dev

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

Hello this is a forum where you can talk to me about development on Sketch. This is also where I will post the updates for it!!!

New Update Coming Soon: Beta Dev Will include: skins home menu saving loading change in grass texture the ability to go through blocks like water, lava, and signs This will come out soon by 4/13/19

The beta dev version will also include a pause menu and changing skins while playing a world!!!

I will need to create an option for o3ds users because they don't have the circle pad pro. This will be included in a later version of the beta release version. Probably the first one.

How about Redstone-ish stuff?

Maybe I will add some sort of redstone in an update after the release???

Beta Dev is finally here, I added: --change in grass texture --skins [32] --saving/loading --home menu --pause menu/w settings menu in it --player speed --blocks that you can walk thought like signs, water, etc. --world options ----flat [just grass] ----lakes [adds lakes to a world] ----trees [adds trees to a world] ----n(no, don't add) y(yes, do add) [for the world options]