Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post

Hello world

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Its a hello world project thats very fun! Check it out!


Just keep pressing okay!

use miiverse to take screenshots.

Replying to:chicken
use miiverse to take screenshots.
press start

Replying to:chicken
use miiverse to take screenshots.

Replying to:chicken
use miiverse to take screenshots.
I meant select if you have 3.6.0

Replying to:chicken
use miiverse to take screenshots.
auceps 3 years ago use miiverse to take screenshots.Reply trickbrain26 3 hours ago press start

Replying to:chicken
use miiverse to take screenshots.
i meant L+Down+Select if you have luma

Replying to:chicken
use miiverse to take screenshots.
Oh, and i don't have a luma 3ds