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tell me what you think

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so i just came up with a formula for the amount of damage a move wil do for my rpg tell me what you think and if you have a better idea here it is damage=(lv*2-opponents lv)the amount of atkthe move itself has/opponents def+atk*if its affictive against the opponents type so it will be eather 1 or 2[1 for normal 2 for super affictive] well tell me what you think.[ * means times and/ means divide]

There's no set equation for damage calculation. The best thing you can do is just test it throughout the game and see if it scales well. Results are the best indicator of how well it will perform; don't worry if it's too simple or you think it's weird.

Supposedly M&L Superstar Saga uses this formula for damage: POW*0.4-DEF*0.2. POW is player's power stat, and DEF is the enemy's defense stat. Maybe that'll get you started? (also, please consider about using linebreaks)