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Basic BASIC BG Map editor

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

I have just made a BG Map editor for SmileBASIC. It is very basic but very easy to use. This edits maps of 128 by 127 tiles in size only. The key is E5543NQE Controls Use the touch screen to draw tiles to the map. Use the circle pad to scroll the map Use DPad Up and Down to change tile. It defaults to tile 0. press A or B buttons to switch tool.
is a pencil, and
makes boxes. X button allows you to import a tileset GRP so it's easy to see what kind of tile goes where. L button saves and R button opens files. Use standard
command to open them in your own programs. There is a bug that I have found that breaks the program out of its main loop if a save is cancelled, so save even if you haven't finished so you don't lose your work.

Update with key KFDEXDD This version adds a fast tile selection feature to skip 10 tiles by pressing left or right on the DPad. To install, download it and save it over the old version