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Dumping a prototype On Screen Keyboard

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"This project first came about on 6/20/2016. Originally intended for my use and my use only, I took to Miiverse, semi---asking if anyone else had my issues.Aft-er Okopompon said he had my issues, I d-ecided to release this on 6/2 /2016. After finding a way to add a backspace, I began final assembly." - About page So, remember those old keyboards that DS, DSi, NES, ETC games had? You know, the ones where you could use your D-Pad. I was a bit saddened by the fact that the 3DS seemed to completely cut support for this feature, especially with my old 3DS(which had a dent in the touch screen which throw off where you pressed down on, maybe throwing across the other side of the screen.) Originally, I built this as a type of thing for my personal use, as I was having problems programming.Probably would've helped if the top of the screen hadn't broken off a few months after the Miiverse post I had asking for help. So, I built something for that. Or rather a very early prototype that was almost done, if it weren't for a fatal error which had a problem with selecting a character. I did fix it eventually, but I never hosted it, and my 3DS broke shortly afterwards, and for some reason, tranferring save data does not equal transferring SmileBasic programs, so I no longer have it, nor do I have the need, nor want to do so(what, with Miiverse shutting down and all), so I present the only surviving prototype, version 0.7.6. It's nothing fancy, you should just have it as a coding example for a simple text based menu.I didn't use any graphics, so it's purely stock text. Have fun with it. Download code:N3X454XD

And before you ask:It's so bare bones and basic, and so broken that I feel like it really should go under the radar. It's honestly just a bunch of menus and missed potential, and doesn't deserve to be posted in submissions.