
Can someone post QR codes for all the original Petit Computer sample files?

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Now that I know how to convert PTC games to SB ones, I want to experiment with them a little. Unfortunately, I don't have the original Petit Computer, so I don't have access to the original sample programs or GRPs. May someone please post QR codes for all the original programs and GRP sample files found in Petit Computer? Thanks!

I might also use some of these for games I'm making, so these would be useful.

Here are default Sprite,BG,Font graphics in PNG format. By the way, Petit computer is palette based, so I converted each tiles with default 16 palettes. http://changevworld.com/jawsvsoft/petit/petit_computer_default_resources.zip Here is tile viewer I made with SmileBASIC while ago. JKSKNEJ1

Thanks so much! This is very useful. All I need now are the programs, text files, etc. I don't mean to bother anyone or keep asking for things, I just want to be able to work with Petit Computer programs on SmileBASIC, and I think the sample files would be a great start.

I have Petit Computer still but I couldn't find any QR Codes for the Program files/Text files sorry. :-( Anyway good luck with your project haha :D

Here are all samples, games, and graphic editor files from Petit Computer. SAMPLE13 and GAME6 are not available on English version of Petit Computer. So, I exported them from Japanese version of Petit Computer. All other files are from English version. public key : QR2PA473

Thanks! This is very helpful for testing out PTC games and experimenting with them. Thanks again!

Just one more question. How did you port these games? Did you use any tools or did you port them by hand?

Also, I hate to keep asking for things (I really do, but when experiments that I want to do in my brain take over they immediately start controlling me and I can't do anything about it) but could I have a zip file of the original (unedited) Petit Computer sample programs? The reason I'm asking is because the ones in the download key are slightly edited with SB's characters, and I wanted to test both the converter and PTCUtilities, but since they are edited, they don't work well when converted or edited with PTCUtilities. I promise this will be the last thing I'll ask for in this thread (as it is the only thing I need to ask for). Thanks again (again)! P.S. But seriously though, I can't thank you enough for providing me with all of Petit Computer's sample files. This is REALLY useful for experimenting with PTC programs, especially to those who didn't have the original Petit Computer. Thanks, ChangeV!

Here are all samples, games, and graphic editor files in .PTC exported format. I included both US and JP version of every samples, games, graphic editors. http://changevworld.com/jawsvsoft/petit/PTC_files.zip I used... US version: Petit Computer 2.2 (VERSION=8224) JP version: Petit Computer 2.3 (VERSION=8240) Petit Computer can export any files using "Save to SD Memory Card" from main menu.

Thanks ChangeV! I wish I was able to get Petit Computer at the time, but unfortunately I wasn't able to. Thanks to you however, I'm now able to work with all of Petit Computer's sample files! Thanks again (again again)!

I made a project for all of the PTC Sample programs: http://smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=781. Download key: R22XDW8E Thanks, ChangeV! On the project page, I have credited you for helping me. Without your help, this wouldn't've been possible.

Now that I know how to convert PTC games to SB ones, I want to experiment with them a little. Unfortunately, I don't have the original Petit Computer, so I don't have access to the original sample programs or GRPs. May someone please post QR codes for all the original programs and GRP sample files found in Petit Computer? Thanks!
How can i convert PTC games to SB? PLEASE ANSWER I NEED HELP! Thanks.