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Puzzle Grid help

Root / Programming Questions / [.]

I want to make a ground appearing in step with player movement. Since the pieces will not be uniform and rng, I need to create a group of "indispensable" floor tiles (e.g. Puzzle of stones). Will the formation of random non-uniformly shaped tiles make an infinite series? or if I make them 16x16, then how many permutations of tiles would be required? Hint* Each sprite of a floor piece will need to be extended into each other by a interlacing maximum of 4 pixels In theory, each tile can be 8 by 8 plus the extending (1-4 pixels)x(4) pixels per side. Thats a range of 4 to 64 pixels per sqaure. So 61 If the side given a designation L is represented as variable Lmin[1] than Lmax[1] will need to equal 64-Lmin[1]. And so on for U,D, and R. Furthermore the inverse equation for the max piece will require an instance of L[1,y] to meet the array of movement in both axis of movement. For num = 1 to 8 f(y2[num])=(rnd(num) / 8) MOD *S^2 Next I'm going to guess that Lmax[1,y] = z - f Does z need to equal 4 or 8 for the funtion to be conducive to n-1? or would it be 5? I'm sure this may confuse alot of people so I'll post an example in the thread once I work out the bugs. Any help would be appreciated. :)