Nintendo shutting down 3DS + Wii U online services, see our post

Game Maker

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

Sorry, I'm NOT making a 5th project. I just want to put this idea out there, if anyone needs it, or even if I need it in the future. Plus, after I wrote all that, I thought of a use for one of my games: Ruebled. This is a simple way to make overworld maps that can load screens, for RPGs. You can also use this for map maker games. Since this idea is out there, you can use it anytime. Idk if it works, I haven't even tested it, but I had an idea, that seems like it would work, atmost with a bit of editing. But yeah. You have a screen editor, like Mario Maker or Pumpkin Swing (Nintendo, Nathaniel) where you can make a screen in an RPG or something like Metroid, or you can make a stage like in Mario. To do that, you would have a 2-dimensional array for each screen or stage, with a number assigned to each array if you are doing something like Metroid or an other RPG to manage this next idea. If you are doing an RPG like Metroid, you should have a world map. You can use the world map to find the screen, by having a 2-dimensional array. Each element would be worth a number, but not any number. It would be the number assingned to the 2-dimensional arrays of all the screens. That way you can use your mad programming skills to find which screen you're on, and load the screen to the map.