
Hero’s Adventure Maker (Hero Adventure EDIT+) English Ver. Announcement

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

I haven’t reallly posted anything interesting in a while, so I decided to work on another project alongside my main one (so no, this program is not my surprise project). It’s going to be a complete translation of Hero Adventure EDIT+ (which I renamed Hero’s Adventure Maker in the translation). As well as translating the program, I have also decided to make some changes which I will reveal later. The changes aren’t big and they don’t really affect how the game is normally played, they just make things more convenient (and of course, levels and options will be cross-compatible between this version and the original). I’ll post some screenshots soon. So far, the translation isn’t complete. However, I have translated a large portion of the game, so expect it to be finished within a few days (hopefully). If you have any questions about the project, feel free to post any below.

How many days do you estimate?

How many days do you estimate?
Around 2. There isn’t a lot of text to translate left.

How many days do you estimate?
Around 2. There isn’t a lot of text to translate left.
Alright. I look forward to the translation!

How many days do you estimate?
Around 2. There isn’t a lot of text to translate left.
Alright. I look forward to the translation!

Did you just forget to upload this translation or is it taking more time than expected?

Did you just forget to upload this translation or is it taking more time than expected?
The latter. I’m still translating some last bits of text. It should be released tomorrow, though. If not, I’ll post some screenshots.

Did you just forget to upload this translation or is it taking more time than expected?
The latter. I’m still translating some last bits of text. It should be released tomorrow, though. If not, I’ll post some screenshots.

If this translation continues development at this rate, the worst feature of a Nintendo console ever aka Paid Switch Online will be released before this translation which makes me sad. (it’s coming out on the second half of this month) Anyone else with a switch feel like smashing it and only using 3DS for online gaming purposes?

I had also been working on translating Hero Adventure EDIT+ and translated most of the text a while ago. I haven't uploaded it though or been on SmileBASIC much recently. I would have uploaded it now for reference, but I keep getting "server not found". Edit: I've only just read about the earthquake right now after posting. It'll have to wait.

I had also been working on translating Hero Adventure EDIT+ and translated most of the text a while ago. I haven't uploaded it though or been on SmileBASIC much recently. I would have uploaded it now for reference, but I keep getting "server not found". Edit: I've only just read about the earthquake right now after posting. It'll have to wait.
What earthquake? Edit:Push F to pay respect. FFFFF (there’s more Fs on the earthquake thread)

I've uploaded the program now that the server's back up. The key is DHD347D. It only contains the executable, no graphics.

I've uploaded the program now that the server's back up. The key is DHD347D. It only contains the executable, no graphics.
Is it ok if I use some of your translations for my translation?

Is it ok if I use some of your translations for my translation?
Sure. Just be aware that if you edit the program I uploaded, there are slight changes to the setup (welcome message, added save prompt after you enter and confirm your name) and credits (translation section added at the end).