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I would like to convert a PRG file to a TXT file. How do I do this?

I would like to convert a PRG file to a TXT file. How do I do this?
TXT files are PRG files. If you load a PRG file using the TXT prefix, it is loaded as a TXT, and vice versa. LOAD "PRG0:PROGRAM",0 P$ = LOAD "TXT:PROGRAM"

I know that they’re technically the same file, but is there a way to save it as a TXT file (so it appears as one in the file select)? EDIT: Nevermind! I found a way to do it:
LOAD "TXT:FILENAME" OUT S$ 'Load PRG as TXT and put into string
SAVE "TXT:FILENAME",S$ 'Save string as TXT
Thanks for telling me about TXT and PRG working universally, TheV360!