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Help/tips on making a game like Fire Emblem.

Root / Programming Questions / [.]

There was only one game I could think of on Petit Computer that was similar to Fire Emblem, and I really enjoyed that game. Can you guys give me tips on how to make one because I'm not sure how. I would love to make one like it. Any help will be appreciated! 😗

I found a few things bit I don't u derstanf how to set up the battles

That's a pretty massively broad topic. Try to do what you can yourself and post specific questions when you run into them. Or maybe start with a simpler type of program (since an entire game is pretty complex) and then try this later? One important thing to note is that Fire Emblem lies to its players about the RNG, this article explains well how the RNG actually works.

The main thing is the turn based part Like making each character aside from the main one move. And having more than one enemy (of the same variety) on screen at once without having to program multiple enemies of the same type.

I made a post here on how you can make object-like structures for things like that.

Thank you for the RNG post by the way. It helped a lot on other games.

And thank you!