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Composing Music for MML

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Hey Everyone! :D I wanted to ask something. What do some of you guys do when you are making music for your programs? What I do is I have some fun on the piano making solos for about an hour until I find a good series of notes/chords then transfer my composition to MML by writing it all in the code then I usually will put the my songs on Miiverse or on SmileBASIC Source for people to use! :D


Here is a pretty note scale I use for most of my songs :D If there is any way to make this prettier please let me know :-)

I spend the lot of my free time at home or school coding music as well. What I do when I have a really catchy tune in my head is I clear a seperate song using "bgclear #" then I configure it using "bgmsetd, @variable". I code my song from there, it's really easy to do that way.
bgmclear 133: bgmsetd 133, @Angelo_Man

  data "t193"
  data ":1  @118  @v90
  data "[>>c<c>c8c8<c]
  data ":2  @147  @v60  @e90,127,90,120  @d-17
  data "[q6e8f+8g8<e8&e2>d8e8g8<d8&d2>
  data "b6<c6>b6a6b6c+6d>age
  data "[f+&f+8g8&g2&gr2a]2]
  data ":3  @146  @v60
  data "[q4  [>>>e8e8e8ge8e8e8e8e8e8ae8e8e8]2
  data "c&c8g8&g1rcd&d8a8&a1rd+]
  data  0
'The data "0" is optional if your composition loops, because this data represents the ending of a song. 
'If a song does not end, therefore looping, it doesn't need to have the "data 0" command. 
'But it's a nice reminder of your hard spent effort. ;)
I only completed three songs before but I can't give you the MML because they're on my other SD and I don't have my DSi anymore. The note scale you created is very perfect as it is but you could probably improve it by giving it a new time signature, I recommend 3:4. Sorry if it seems I gave how to make compositions rather than how I make my compositions but I myself can never put fun in the process of writing a code. The real fun is running the program :)

Ah~ Thank you very much I appreciate all the information! I am starting to learn more and more about MML like using (< >) for Ocataves. I will write my MML like this from now on. I was actually looking for a way where I didn't have to scroll a lot on the same line but instead see the whole code for the song. This way makes it easier to read as well. Thank you very much~ :D

Could someone help me on a song?