
Super SmileBasic Maker OFFICIAL FOURM

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Hello, welcome to my official forum! I need so help on my project, like touch screen help and sprite labeling help. If someone can make a program which has a grid and you place down sprites that'll help!

I will see if I can find the Mario maker game for SmileBasic. That should help you

I have a file called level edit which looks like the start of a Mario maker game. I thought it was more but its pretty bĂ d at the stage I have. I can't find the Public Key. I thought I got it off the list which is posted here in the forum. I WIll keep looking for it.

I plan to do something like this but first I must have a very accurate Mario engine clone ready, of course. I've seen a mario maker for SB but it had really half-assed physics.

And the copyright laws wont effect this. :)